Friday, July 24, 2020

Broken relationship, unbroken love

"You don't deserve a text from me " and the conversation ended into a blocked profile. This time it was again Ananya , who was blocked.  The day started with a hate comment by someone she loved like the eternal raindrops. Nothing had ever moved her heart like the drops of heaven and his eyes but angels and raindroos hardly stay in your life, no matter how tightly you grip them. Like the waves of the sea that rise , fall and rise again,  to reach the shores ,she had been yearning to reach him but things never fell in the right place  since the day Amay had forbidden her. 

Years passed, seasons changed but time never showered mercy upon her, probably because love couldn't be equivalent to mercy,  she too never thought of being pitied by him   she simply wanted her space in his arms where she had discovered an euphoric kingdom of paradise. 
" just get lost " 
" you are a slut"
" Go away " 
And many other phrases came in between whenver she tried mending her relationship with him . It seemed the man whom she loved was murdered by his furious doppelganger . She found him nowhere. 

Some five years ago, in the season of fall , when trees were eager to shed their old leaves to have the fresh foliage,  Amay gave his last words to her, " I will prove how I will become a mere name in your life "
She cried , she wandered around in pain like the drifting vagabond, clouds hovering in the vast sky to find their solace, and then like those pathetic clouds she too burst into downpours of tears. Questioning herself that what was her fault and what led him to such a barbaric behaviour.  A lovestruck heart had turned into a  volcano of  anger . A woman in love is however more pathetic than anyone or anything in the world because a woman's love, if true is irreversible, but he knew only one fact ; the fact that he wasn't the only one in her life .

Time is the best teacher and so it taught her a big lesson ; the harshest truth of life ; You can't have someone in your life , if you can't possess them publicly " 
Her erroneous love was an incorrigible lie in his eyes . Although it's believed that true love finds its way and that it's hard to find , yet no such rule or funda did ever move him. He had taken a decision for once and for all and that's where the story begins......

So  at this point we come back to the same derivation; it's a men's world,  wherein all types of decisions are taken by them . Why do we befool  ourselves by thinking that it's an era of women empowerment ? Decisions are still taken by the opposite genders in  every  relationship. 

Ananya was rejected by Amay because he couldn't accept her with all her bitter  facts and that he was unable to see their love as a concealed  ardour  between two people who couldn't possess each other fearlessly. 
But what was Ananya's fault? Did she need to preplan before things happened between the two ? Is platonic love meaningless ? Why couldn't  she be a part of his life , if not the whole ? Isn't  the wedding of souls enough for men ? So what if she was imperfect , was she so immaterial for him that he chose to call her a BLACK SPOT of his life ? Why wasn't the decision taken together? Why was it even important to part ? Ananya chose to make love her worship because she knew she was incapable of abandoning all those innocent people whom she loved
 Yes, the sinful Culprit, Ananya continued loving him like the raindrops.

Questions will keep floating in the air, answers are vague . Nothing stays, neither the people  nor the relationship but all that survives is Love that grows like an underground stem penetrating deeper into the soil of pain and perseverance.  

Was Ananya so undeserving ? Whose decision matters after all ? 

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